About Us

Rochet London was created from our love for the imperfect.

The imperfect surrounds us: it's in the clouds on the sky, it's in the waves of the sea, in the irregularity of the stones, it's in the human body, it's in the way we love each other, it's in the way we exist.

Every Rochet piece is beautifully and utterly imperfect. It is made by hand, by my hand. I have been chasing perfection my whole life only to realise beauty simply lies elsewhere. It's in the assymetries, in the dents, in the holes - in what we have, rather than what we don't have.

Meet the Founder

My name is Maria-Diana Popescu, but everyone knows me as Maria Dius. I just love creating stuff. All the time. I have been crocheting with my mom since I was tiny, and my obsession with gemstones has just simply been love at first sight.

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